Drawing Partnerships is an initiative between Natasha Mayo and Chris Glynn to broker and support collaborative drawing projects across disciplines and bring people together from different walks of life.
The 'Bento's Sketchbook' project took place in collaboration with the School of English, Cardiff Metropolitan University to accompany the 'Thinking With John Berger' conference, September 2014. Please click the button to access a paper published by TANT Magazine:
Please press the button below to view the paper delivered as part of conference proceedings for the 'Thinking With John Berger' Conference. All red ticks refer to screen changes in the presentation and all links refered to in the text link to vimeo reordings sent in by participants of the 'Parental Conversations project. This paper will be written up in ful for future publication:
The two research projects referred to on this page are on going and seek to examine the social potential of drawing.
Alongside the 'Parental Conversations' exhibition it is hoped a catalogue will be devised in which theorists, writers and academics from a diversity of fields can contribute including: Anthropology, Drama, Social Sciences and Semiology to expose ways in which we might understand drawings inherent potency for expression. Papers arising from this will hopefully become a part of a symposium entitled: 'Social Potentials of Drawing'. Potential fields of thought are:
Semiology - the relationship between image and word
Social Sciences - the alteration of an individuals style and narrative when introduced to group dynamic.
Anthropology - the significance of sensorial engagement with our surroundings.
Developmental Psychology - the relationship between drawing and child development.
Drama - ways in which drawing can significantly contribute in improvised theatre.
Drawing - how drawing can be fully realised as a thinking tool in Pedagogy both education and in arts practice.
Drawing Practice - the impact of drawing as installation and/or performance fields