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The Confines of the Book...

Artist Linda Jane James is an independent and community based practitioner, working with the possibility that exists in everything to be remade/seen differently/reused/re-connected/re-invented.

Often using line, colour and found materials to shape and transform - to work with the possibility that exists in everything to be remade/seen differently/reused/re-connected/re-invented – her work is sometimes autobiographical, sometimes it is a practice where she works with others to open up a dialogue, to shine a light, to re-see in order to develop and work to change and grow organisations and communities.

Her conversation with her grandchild has now begun initially exploring cultural imagery from TV and film and growing it into fantastical worlds. As you can see below, the confines of the book, its white pages are formalising an otherwise free and more physical activity - how can this be overocme or other techniques and spaces to work incorporated?


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